Why do we feel that rising the middle finger is offensive and provocating ? It is a universal sign which means " fuck off " or " up your asses" People expressed their frustration and by showing their middle finger and it is a sign that expressed all our feelings. It is so satisfying that we show our middle finger to rough out someone. Even the ladies do it.
Why not the 1st finger or 2nd finger or other fingers ? It does not expressed the feelings we want to expressed except using the third finger maximized our total feelings of expression. We feel shoik after showing the middle finger.
Why the middle finger ? It is always the longest , standing up in the middle of our hand and it is the most forceful of all the fingers as the thrust will be the strongest. I think that is the reason . This is to hurt our enemies or the people we want to hurt the deepest and the hardest.
Well, it is the feeling that matters and how we feel after showing off our middle fingers and we do not matter how it hurts our image as long as we feel good after that. Most of the people would understand the expression but for some naive ones, it maybe confusing to them and that will not hurt them at all.
It is a universal sign and if it is used wrongly, we can be hammered or get blown off from this earth if the other people on the recieving end cannot take this gesture. Normally, it is the male that shows it because it resembles part of their manhood and if female used it, it would considerd inappropriate.
Why? Why women want to volunteer to do this sexy for a male ? Isn't that not logical and silly ?
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